Jonas Häggqvist schrieb:
> Peter Körner wrote:
>> Marc Schütz schrieb:
>>> [Should name:xx equal to name tags stay or not?]
>> In my eyes the rule should be: "If it has a name in language xxx *that
>> differs from it's native name*, then add a name:xxx tag"
> That seemed sensible to me also, but now that I think about it, there's a
> significant advantage gained by having the "redundant" name:xx tags. The
> fact that such a tag exists, gives you the confidence to say "someone has
> thought about this, and this positively is the translation". Rather than
> "either this is the same in language xx, or no one has bothered to
> translate". I imagine this difference is important in some cases. For
> example in the Wikipedia case, the presence of a name:xx tag means you can
> be reasonably certain this is the correct name.
> In some ways, it does feel wrong though, to have all those tags without
> any useful information, but consider that it does have the information
> that someone thought about it and added the tag.

That's the positive point of adding those tags and I'm completely with 
you in this point (i'll call it the "validated translation"-argument, 
but there is one argument I see against it (i'll name it the 

thinking the idea of adding name:xx-tags for validating the translations 
down to the city, suburb or street-level makes things look much 
different. Do we want different rules for countries, although the "add 
if it differs" rule could be applied to all of them?

I think to validate translations, an external tool like [1] is much 
better than a tag in the database, because (once the db is updating) 
this tool can and will be expanded to cities, suburbs, POIs and other 
places with a name. Aren't the translation-tags in the wikipedia also 
mainly added by bots - which are external tools, too? Or do you think 
this is a poor comparison?


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