On 18.08.2010 19:21, Anthony wrote:
  put a reference to the street into the way
for the building, not a way to put a reference to the building into
the way for the street.  One possibility is to just use
addr:street=way:37863 or addr:street=relation:28917.  But as there
would be no maintenance of referential integrity, that wouldn't be
without its dangers.
Isn't addr:street="Main Street" enough?

- to search for a house, only searching through local tags (of nodes or areas describing buildings/housenumbers) is enough. - to search for the associated street of the house process a nearby-search for the street-name, as the same streetname usually doesn't appear twice in a city
- maintaining is easy as changing ways for the street don't care.

Navigation systems should IMHO do some preprocessing to the data - means e.g. connecting houses to nodes at the street for routing.

references in attributes are error prone, I fear.
1) some people reuse old ways when editing (should not be, but is often the case) 2) deletions, edits and additions would break the relation, if not maintained carefully, what's a lot of work.

So I prefer to add the street name to the street (as name) and addr:street to the building/shop etc.


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