----- Original Message ----- From: "NopMap" <ekkeh...@gmx.de>
To: <talk@openstreetmap.org>
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2011 8:09 AM
Subject: [OSM-talk] Pitiful proceedings - as usual


First of all: I am in favour of the licence change itself, I have agreed a
long time ago and I was actually looking forward to phase 4 bringing forward
some decisions.

Nevertheless, the enabling of phase 4 (which likely may have happened
yesterday or so) strikes me as another pitiful example of how not to do such

Considering that lack of information has been the chief reason for
disagreement with the proceedings for some two years now, one might have
naively assumed that someone in the OSMF might have listend or learned and
that important steps might have been accompanied by some sort of official

Instead, is guesswork and rumours all over again. The most definite insider
information to have was "yes, on IRC was someone with a test account who
claims he can't edit anymore".

I don't know how you feel, but for me it is very hard to remain supportive
of the matter in the face of such consequent incompetence handling it.

My personal opinion is that it would have been very hard for anyone who is interested in this to have missed what was going to happen at Stage 4, and when Stage 4 was going to occur. But that is on the basis that I subscribe to a number of the mailing lists.

However I recognise that it would be wrong to assume that all contributors are subscribed to any of the mailing lists, or read the wiki .

I would have thought that it was not a demanding job, though I'll admit I do not have the capacity to do it, for all the mainstream editing software to have a MOTD feature, and for official announcements which were deemed important enough to be posted to the mailing lists to be also flagged up as a MOTD.

I also realise that I'm assuming that everyone can read English, since the feature becomes less simple to code and implement when you start to consider that ideally the MOTD should be delivered in the users language of choice.

Now I can see some people arguing that they would not wish to be distracted by such messages, so if necessary you could build in the option not to display MOTD's if the user had ticked a check box., but if they ticked this they could hardly complain at a later stage that they had not been informed of critical announcements.

Apologies if this feature exists in all of the mainstream editing software.




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