Am 13.12.2011 23:33, schrieb Eric Marsden:
I don't see any discussion of this in recent LWG minutes. Has
it been considered?

sorry in advance for the following harsch and rude statement.

That's the complete way you are suggesting! We already lost too much time, energy and ressources with this never ending discussions. Please stop it! It would have been good if the licence change had happened years ago. Then we wouldn't have that problems we have now. So any further waiting to somewhen maybe in 2013 or even later [1] ist not good for OSM and causes additional problems. The better way to bring the project forward is to move on and change to an appropriate license. Maybe some data can't be taken over, OK, that's really sad. I really don't like that too. But on the other hand I can't understand why some people don't or can't agree to the new license. Let's remapp the datat that can't be used in the future under a appropriate license. I suggest to put your energy into remapping of data that has not agreed to the new licence/CTs instead of discussing: I consider this much more beneficial for the project.

explanation to  [1]:
according to your statement, CC plans to have finished CC 4.0 by end of 2012. Can you garantee this really will happen? Freequently things like that tend to have delays. And afterwards OSM will need some additional time until the change is in place. So we are talking about somewhen in 2013.

Best regards,
Michael.   (very tired of these endless discussions)

PS: I will not further comment on this suggestion and discussion.

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