Am 21.07.2013 20:18, schrieb Michal Migurski:
> Supporting official venues for orderly change is what the board should
> be doing, but is not. I would support the creation and use of a
> proposal/vote/implementation process for the community, even if the
> first proposal is just "be it resolved that Mapbox accepts
> responsibility for the visual design of". 

I would find it very very difficult to subject superficial design
changes to a popular vote, these are matters of personal taste and work
flow and it is very unlikely that we could reach any kind of consensus
within a reasonable time frame, wit this thread. What would be nice if
we could get to a state where changing the visual appearance of the main
site would not be such a heavy weight task (at least not for the devs)
and could happen substantially more often than once in a decade.

> The new icons and map controls are good and I'm getting accustomed to them, 
> but the process by which they made it onto the site worries me. Mostly, it's 
> because Saman opened his SotM-US talk with a "blow it all up" slide and 
> finished with gamification that I'm uneasy with how we're treating the visual 
> presentation of Gamification is a sad, sorry sideshow and we 
> shouldn't do it; it only became a meme because Zynga made a zillion dollars 
> and look how that turned out. Do we plan to follow through on gamifying the 
> OSM UI as Saman suggested in his talk? I don't know, and I don't want to have 
> to subscribe to Github pull requests to find out.
Now high level goals and to a certain point functionality is something
that, IMHO, is worth discussing with a large group, and we have ongoing
discussions that cover exactly such territory. Besides what has been
written here, there is a larger one on the German list about the
potential gamification of OSM which shows that such a step is not simply
a design question and definitely needs more community consensus if it
should be seriously considered for implementation.

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