> OsmAnd has had online/offline simple editing feature for years and
> still there were no problems with that.

Therefore my guess would be
> that mapsme does not make it clear to users that they are actually
> editing the global/common database, not their local "favourites".
> Maybe because Osmand is mostly used by OpenStreetMappers and Maps.me by a
much wider set of people.

The scope for growth of our community with Maps.me is phenomenal. Of course
there is room for improvement. But it's never going to be easy to lower the
barriers to participation without losing quality.

Some ideas:

- maps.me should probably stick to simple-to-map objects when it adds data.
Complicated stuff should go in a note.
- if the maps.me data is old, any added object should be a note by default
- maps.me should investigate why response is so low to changeset comments.
Maybe OSM messages can be integrated in the app? Maybe added info should be
Note by default until they have responded to a test message sent through
the OSM messaging system. (though in my experience response to any OSM
message is low, not just maps.me users)
- maybe we should have a manual review system in place for ALL maps.me
changesets, until someone marks the account as "experienced"

Joost @
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