6 Dec 2019, 11:46 by martin.bo...@ens-lyon.org:

> Some context first.  So there has been this changeset that      triggered 
> some discussions: > https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/77845837>  
> Changeset comments in not a great place for discussion, so I      suggest 
> that we continue here.  (Thanks @SomeoneElse for the link!      ☺)
Looking at this changeset I think that solution for some of the element is to 
simply delete it.

place=continent nodes make no sense at all

this tag has major problem due to fact that there are multiple competing ways
how Earth may be divided into continents.

Given low number of continents, fact that collecting this data on ones own is 
and that depending on OSM data is not useful (moving, deleting or changing
name of place=continent node would have massive impact on a map)and that it is 
desirable to tweak label placement for specific maps it is
dubious whatever this data is useful.

Why https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/36966065 is here and
not 200 kilometers to the west?

like role=label it is pointless exercise in label placement, tuned for rare 
map using this for label placement.

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