Right on, Fred....and while this might be a small quibble, I just can't tolerate that whole "Mama's fried chicken" stage persona. Very, very tiresome.
-------------- Original message from Fred <fkel...@scicable.net>: --------------

> Good lord. It may be that Picky-Ricky's greatest talent is that of
> self-aggrandizement. That coupled with his well-known penchant for
> receiving and transmitting the gospel from god himself on stage may
> explain his self-anointing.
> There's no doubt the man can play and sing but how can one take him
> seriously when he WAS the problem he decries back in the '80's? I mean
> he gets down on the whole "urban cowboy" thing but has he seen his own
> video--the one where Bill Monroe plays Uncle Pen to Ricky's corporate
> exec? Oy gevalt. What a putz. This schmuck carries like 8 guitars in
> his band and calls it "digging deep into the tradition."
> That's actually something that bears notice too, this death-grip on
> tradition that so many bluegrassers seem to employ as if it were a
> post-mortem stamp of approval from Bill himself. It seems to me that if
> bluegrass is a living, breathing art form then it needs to grow and
> evolve in different and often strange and unnerving ways. You don't
> have to like it but you have to respect it. Only art forms that are
> dead and buried repeat themselves endlessly.
> Going back to the vaults of tradition and then inflecting it with one's
> own personality and interpretation is a viable way of breathing new life
> into a genre art form. Going back to the vaults of tradition and saying
> "this way and only this way is right" is embalming and turns the vaults
> of tradition into Lenin's tomb, fit only for periodic review.
> Dasspunk wrote:
> > I got a 404 error from Mike's link. Here's one that should work:
> >
> > http://tinyurl.com/dhuvja
> >
> > It's always been clear that Ricky wants to be the heir for Bluegrass.
> > Luckily, want of a thing don't make it so... It would also seem that
> > he suffers from self loathing...
> >
> > "I can’t get excited about (the music on country radio). It’s all
> > cookie cutter like they are trying to build one car for everyone."
> >
> > Brian
> >
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