> Viktor,

Well,  I'm  not  sure  how  this  works.   I told TB to send that last
message  as  Plain  Text (MicroEd), but I see it still arrived as both
html and text.  This one will too, I guess.

>> Hello Gleason,

>> Sunday, December 16, 2018, 3:27:53 PM, you wrote:
>>>> The splashscreen is nice, honestly - but it doubled the EXE size? Hmm!
>>> It doesn't seem to matter, unless you are short of ram.  The days of super 
>>> expensive memory are gone.
>> This is the unfortunate thinking of today. Just multiply that with
>> 20 programs and you'll see where it gets you in terms of # uselessly wasted 
>> RAM.
>> Similar with Android these days: every meaningless "App" eats its
>> 60 MB of memory whether it's doing anything or not, totalling to 100% memory 
>> usage
>> and laggy phone. Just because "memory is cheap" and other lazy programmer 
>> thinking.

> I wouldn't accuse Maxim of being lazy.  In my case, with TB
> running, I am using 3.68 gb of ram out of 12.  With TB closed
> I am using 3.5.  I guess I'm not feeling overly impacted.  12 gb of
> ram is not especially high end these days.  

> And, once again, thanks Maxim for the high quality tastefully done
> images.  I bet it took some effort to acquire them.

>> The days of chasing every kilobyte are gone, but just doubling the
>> program between minor versions sound strange to me too.

> Unless you understand how that happened.  In this case, the images
> will be gone when this year's Christmas version is retired.

>> BTW., this is a plaintext list, if nothing else then by custom.
>> Would you mind replying to plaintext mails in in plaintext? Yeah, another 
>> "old times"
>> legacy. But it also eases quoting - or much more doesn't kill it for TheBat! 
>> like HTML mails do.

> Sure, I was too lazy to think about it.  I remember the years of
> various email client users railing against the
> useless creeping incursion of html into email.  Pegasus, Becky,
> many others.  It seems that Sylpheed is the last holdout
> of any significance.  Change marches on, your perception of whether it is 
> progress or not will vary.

> --

> Gleason



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