Mail-Ticker is useless! That's just info-ticker without reactions. 
Why don't I can't press on message in the ticker and choose some things for 
that message as
- mark as read
- answer
- answer to all
- forward
- etc
As I can do such thing with popup emails on Android or iOS

Mail-ticker now just a toy. Please what I say at top of this message, burn for 
us mail-ticker again! 

Вы писали 9 июля 2020 г., 18:52:48:
> Hello George,

>> I  have few folders with unread messages that "for work later" and I
>> don't want to have this messages counting in badge and don't want to
>> have  them marked as read. Please add in the folder settings feature
>> "not  count  unread messages in the badge" when you will have a time
>> for it. Thanks.

> To  achieve  that  distinction, why don't you take advantage of a much
> greater feature of TB than the new badge, and that has been around for
> a  long  time? The Mail-Ticker. That is a great feature of TB, and not
> the 'stupid' Badge.

С  ув.  Георгий  Сальник,
Директор ООО "Белрус", Дистрибьютор Avast и AVG  
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