On Thursday, February 28, 2002 David van Zuijlekom wrote:

TB>> The major problem with not restoring the registry entries comes
TB>> when you have an extensive set of filters.
> Yes, that's a major drawback for me to un-install TB! and start from
> the scratch. I don't feel like entering all those filters and settings
> again.

Oh... come on, isn't Tools/Backup enough?

,----- [Tools/Backup menu]
| What to backup:
| - Account Properties
| - Folders with Messages
| - Address Books [Choose...]
| - Global Options
| - Attachements Files


 /\_/\         Don't worry. Start panicking.
(~o o~)  
 )'Y'(   __________________________________________________________________
(     ) / Jacek Wojaczynski         The Bat! 1.54 Beta/44 under Windows 95 \

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