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On 3/2/2002 at 02:19:56 Maurice Snellen wrote:

MS> While this may be true, Calypso is now 'dead' and no longer being
MS> developed (or sold if I'm not mistaken).

It's dead, AFAIK. Sad but true. :)

MS> In fact I think that storing various things in more than one file
MS> is an advantage.

Yes, but I didn't want to stress the fact that Calypso put everything
in one file, but rather that it stored all settings, such as filter
rules, mailbox layout, etc., on disk. The Bat stores its configuration
*both* in the registry and on disk, and I don't understand why that
approach is chosen.

In fact, the data that The Bat stores in the registry is now of
considerable size: when I export HKCU\Software\RIT\The Bat! to a ANSI
.reg file, it is more than 50 kB. On the MSDN site and various other
Windows development resources you will read that it is unwise to store
large amounts of data in the registry. If you exceed a certain limit,
such as more than a few kB of data, it is better to store the data in
a file, and put the filename of that file in the registry.

For The Bat it would really be enough to store only the path of your
mail directory in the registry, and store all other settings in
configuration files in that mail directory. I have heard before that
there were some plans for storing rules and other settings in the
mailbox directory, but never saw a followup.

- --
Dimitry Andric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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