Hello Richard,

On Wednesday, February 19, 2003 at 06:50 GMT +0000, a witness saw
Richard Wakeford [RW] type:

>> Another thing to check is: If your filters rely on address book
>> groups, make sure the address book group referenced still exists.

RW> I know your reply was to Thomas but was answering my original
RW> question.

Well, I was really responding to you, but I only had an extension to
what Thomas already wrote...

RW> Some of the filters do and the address books do still exist.

You probably know this, but to be sure:
The address books exist, but do the groups referenced in your filters
exist?  You should confirm by trying to change the group referenced in
the filter.  If the group you really want doesn't live in that
listing, then you've found your problem.

Similarly, check colour groups, etc.

The only reason I'm harping on this point is that it has happened to
me, and the symptoms sound exactly as you describe.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

I simply wasn't cool enough for them (whomever they were) to offer
drugs to me.  Drugs were everywhere, that's what the TV said.  I 
could get offered drugs at any time.  Yeah, right. 
-- J. Sullivan

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