Hi, Jonathan.

Well, I've tried everything I can think of, and things still aren't making sense. See below....

--On Sunday, December 07, 2003 11:58 PM -0600 Jonathan Angliss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you want to find out if it is really a MailSnare issue, or a TB
issue, you could do it all by hand... that is, pull out the old telnet
application, and have some fun (this only works if you're not running

# telnet server 143
A01 LOGIN "username" "password"
A02 LSUB "" "*"

Here's what I got:

* OK IMAP4 Ready mail.mailsnare.net 0001b702
A01 LOGIN "magicspeller" "xxxxx"
A01 OK You are so in
A02 LSUB "" "*"
* LSUB () "." "INBOX.Lists.Becky"
* LSUB () "." "INBOX.Lists.Mulberry"
* LSUB () "." "INBOX.Lists.Powertools"
* LSUB () "." "TBBETA.Lists.TBBETA"
* LSUB () "." "INBOX.Lists.Time Mgt"
* LSUB () "." "INBOX.Lists.Zoot"
* LSUB () "." "INBOX.Lists.iRider"
A02 OK Completed (0.000 secs 7 calls)

Now try the same again, but with LIST instead of LSUB,
and see what happens again?

Partial results:

* OK IMAP4 Ready mail.mailsnare.net 0001b702
A01 LOGIN "magicspeller" "XXX"
A01 OK You are so in
A02 LIST "" "*"
* LIST (\HasChildren) "." "INBOX"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX.Action"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX.Drafts"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX.Family"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX.INBOX.Drafts"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX.INBOX.Trash"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX.Jobs"
* LIST (\HasChildren) "." "INBOX.Lists"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX.Lists.Aggregators"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX.Lists.Becky"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX.Lists.SpamBayes"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX.Lists.The Bat.TBBETA"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX.Lists.The Bat.TBTech"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX.Lists.The Bat.TBUDL"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX.Sent Items"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX.Spam"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX.Trash"
A02 OK Completed (0.020 secs 55 calls)

All the above corresponds with the fact that Mulberry and Becky both handle all my folders properly.

Incidentally, are you running over TLS/SSL?
Can you test without if you are?

I've been testing without until I can get things working.

Have you tried hitting the "Reset
List" button under "IMAP Management" (forgot the real name)?

That doesn't help, either.

See my reply to Alexander for more....


Current beta is 2.02 CE RC2 | "Using TBBETA" information:

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