Hello Tero!

On Tuesday, May 18, 2004 at 7:28:56 PM you wrote:

> I've found this new Beta/6 - as well as Beta/5 - very unstable. I get
> AVs all the time what ever I do:

Nope, not here, very stable; not using IMAP.

> To be honest, this is really far from usable *sigh*.

Even if you do not know what "beta" means, it is written right above
the links on the download page. Betas are not - repeat: *not* - for
production environments.

I have to admit that I do actually use several programs for my daily
routine work, among them Opera and TB. In both cases I have rarely
experienced big trouble over all the years, but when I did (both had
very unstable betas once or twice) I just reverted to a stable/usable

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 2.11 Beta/6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 1

Chat info for ICQ, AIM, MSN, Yahoo, Jabber upon request

One thing about the past. It's likely to last. (Ogden Nash)

 Current beta is 2.11 Beta/6 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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