Hello Leif,

  A reminder of what Leif Gregory on TBBETA typed on:
  27 February 2005 at 18:13:24 GMT +0100

LG> Exactly the poor attitude Tony, Paul and I are trying to curtail

 Also the reason I bowed out of the discussion. I want a bug free Bat
 before they make any new additions, they want html right now and Sod
 everyone else.

 The way I see it there will be this version I'm using now without it and a
 new version with it. If I choose I want to continue using this version
 without it will RITLABS continue to support this version and fix all the
 existing bugs? I don't think so!

 All the current bugs will be carried over to the new version and those
 that don't want total html support will be left with a half finished, bug
 ridden non supported old version.

Using The Bat! v3.0.2.10

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