Reply to message sent 6/1/2005, @ 05:20:19 (9:20 PM Locally)

Hello Avi,

> Where and how do I configure a window to always open in the
> foreground?

You first need to set up a command list for automatic actions upon
windows opening. Look up "auto run when a window opens" in the Ppro
help file for a much better explanation than I can give.

The main idea is to look for the connection center window to open, and
when it does you automatically give it the command "move to top".

I have integrated Ppro into TB! so tightly it's like one program for
me. Every time I find myself wishing The Bat! could do something I can
usually find a way to accomplish it with Ppro.

If you need any more help after looking over the help file shoot me a
message and I'll help out if I can.

ò.ó Nick

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