Hello Natasha!

On Thursday, June 02, 2005, 1:22 AM, you wrote:

NVP>>> You  also  using regular expressions in your reply template? Could be 
NVP>>> is causing your problem.

MB>> Could you explain how this might play into the mix? I do have regular
MB>> expressions in my reply template.

> Sometimes the behaviour of complex regexps can be tricky to predict
> ...

I see.

> I only mentioned them in this context because I recently discovered
> (with Miguel's help <wave>) that it's a bug in a regexp in my reply
> macro which causes selective quoting to fail.

I understand your reasoning. Thanks for explaining. I think this cause
can be ruled out in the case of the random failure to quote smileys
from RTV when the smiley-imaging function is enabled.

Mainly because Miguel reproduced the behavior--though not at
will--using a template without any regular expressions.

However, I'm going to test it further using a template that doesn't
have regular expressions and see how it goes. Just to satisfy my own

MB>> P.S., OT: I enjoyed so much your comment on my postings to the OT
MB>> tongue-twister/woodchuck thread. I would have replied, but was afraid of
MB>> saying too much, in OT mode. Anyway, belated thanks for that. :)

> You're very, very welcome. I enjoyed that thread tremendously. I've now joined
> OT, so could have taken it OT - except everyone seemed to be happy where we
> were. And the mods (thanks, guys <wave>) were being very indulgeant towards us
> that day. :) (Or dare I say chuck-le? :) )

:)))) <very big smile>

Best regards,
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