On 7/18/05, Maxim Masiutin wrote:
> Monday, July 18, 2005, 11:58:56, you wrote:
> >>With an introduction like that - and with the
> >>BayesIt problem still unresolved - who would imagine that we would be
> >>embarking on an entirely new series of beta (pardon, me, alpha)
> >>testing of a very risky nature?
> Do you mean the BayesIt isn't included in 3.51?

No, Maxim, what I mean is that the version that the RL customers and
potential customers can download from the main RL download page is
version 3.5.30, and version 3.5.30 (to the best of my knowledge) has
no BayesIt option.

My understanding - from a huge amount of discussion on this point over
the last few weeks - was that we were trying to get a better version
of TB on to the RL Web site for users to download - a version that
includes BayesIt. Maxim, when you posted the MSI for 3.51, you wrote
that if the MSI worked, then you would update the download page and
"proceed to other fixes". Surely you must have been thinking something
similar when you wrote that.

Furthermore, you indicated that the only additional change in the 3.51
MSI was "some charset issues of the latest 3.5.xx". You did not
indicate that you were introducing new charset issues but only fixing
issues that presumably had been reported in 3.5.36 (or thereabouts).

So, pardon me, but no one could have guessed from what you wrote that
this MSI was going to be the beginning of another round of beta
testing (preliminary to an official release). Rather, the only thing
you asked us to check was whether the MSI "worked", which it did (and
which I also promptly reported to be the case). The MSI worked, but
you did not do what you stated you would do, that is, "update the
download page"... for very good reason.

So what happened here? Did RL lose sight of the fact that the beta
testers felt some concern about the missing BayesIt in the public
version of TB? And why did you present the 3.51 MSI as if it was the
end of a beta testing cycle when, as it now seems, it was actually to
be the beginning of a new beta testing cycle?

Windows XP Pro SP2 and The Bat! Pro (No OTFE) 3.5.36

 Current beta is 3.51.4 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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