Hello Martin!

On Friday, August 19, 2005, 7:34 AM, you wrote:

MS>>> Currenty when pressing Shift-Tab the focus goes...uhm...I don't know.
MS>>> So we could possibly use that shortcut...
MS>>> BTW: has anybody found out where the focus goes when you press
MS>>> Shift-Tab while editing the text???

>> In my version [Shift]+[Tab] reverses the tabbing sequence. This is an
>> expected action. I write database applications and reverse tabbing is
>> the behavior there too.

>> I prefer a hotkey that uses the letter A in some manner to keep it
>> more intuitive.

I want to see this issue addressed on TBBETA and well discussed and a
consensus arrived at, as to what the hotkey should be.

Meanwhile, I am getting ready to write a BT report on the original
"tab to the attachment pane rather than the Edit Mail Message body
text pane" changed behavior issue.

> ... forget my proposal...

But I hope you will contribute further to this thread. :)

Best regards,
The Bat 3.60.01 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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