10/17/2007  9:14 AM

Hi MikeD,

On 10/17/2007 MikeD (2) wrote:

M2>  There
M2> are still a lot of sites where Opera does not render correctly.

Not true. Poorly written or ActiveX enabled only. Opera is not ActiveX
aware by design. Opera is big on mobile devices.

M2>  is what has kept Opera as an 'also ran'

Opinion, not fact. I have dozens of customers all around the world
that find Opera to be all they need.

PVN>> What a wonderful opportunity to move to a more positive email host!
PVN>> 8-]}

M2> I still (possibly because of familiarity) prefer TB over the
M2> alternatives.

I was talking about your host, not the client. Kiss MSN goodbye and be

M2> I am still confident that eventually TB will catch up with
M2> MSN and their new authentication 'scheme' <g>

What a crime that would be!

Take Care,

Voyager v.3.99.4 on Win2k SP4-Rollup1 5.0.2195

 Current beta is (none) | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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