On Mon, 13 Dec 1999 23:48:25 +0300, Alexander V. Kiselev wrote:

> BTW, I just glanced through Allie's message and found, that he
> had omitted a bit of info... There exists another possibility of 
> using the suggested regular expression. That is, leave the 
> %SETPATTREGEXP macro as stated above, then erase the 
> %REGEXPMATCH; instead, write the following in your template:

> subpattern0: %SUBPATT="0"
> subpattern1: %SUBPATT="1"
> subpattern2: %SUBPATT="2"
> subpattern3: %SUBPATT="3"
> subpattern4: %SUBPATT="4"

You don't have to define the subpatterns  in the template.

Simply replacing %REGEXPBLINDMATCH="%HEADERS" with
%REGEXPMATCH="%HEADERS" and then using the %SUBPATT as needed will

> So in your template you are now able to write something like:

> On %SUBPATT="2", when it was %SUBPATT="3" on your 
> local clock -- and you live in timezone GMT%SUBPATT="4" --- 
> you wrote me:

Yes, the template would look like this:

On %SUBPATT="2", when it was %SUBPATT="3" on your 
local clock -- and you live in timezone GMT%SUBPATT="4" --- 
you wrote me:

> Which would result in the following string inserted into your 
> message:

> On Tue, 9 Mar 1999, when it was 10:42:14 on your local clock -
> - and you live in timezone GMT+1000 --  you wrote me:

> Isn't it cool???

Yes it is.

Telling them about what I did seemed to be a first round. I didn't
want to lay it all on and furthermore, %REGEXPBLINDMATCH and the
%SUBPATT macros are not in the macro list. How did you know about
them. I don't even see them mentioned in any of the beta description

Ali Martin                     |     Using The Bat! v1.38e 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]      |     Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 6)  
   [ Why is American beer served cold? 
     So you can tell it from urine - David Moulton ]

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