I'm trying to figure out how to handle attachments.  I have a ton of
attachments in my "Attach" directory labeled "1.msg", "2.msg", etc.
When certain people send me email, it shows these numbered files as
attachments.  The files contain the text that the person replied to,
which is fine.  But I don't want these files stored in my attach
directory... I would like them bound to the message itself.  So I went
into the Account options and set "File attachments are stored in:
Message Bodies".  This seems to work for all new mail I'm getting. But
my old mail still needs the file in the "attach" directory...
otherwise the attachment disappears when I view the message.  Is there
a way to do this?

Also, what does "Bind attachments only when sending out mail" mean?  I
don't understand what it means when the box is checked or unchecked.

Take care,

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