On  Sun,  2  Jan  2000  23:00:25  +0100 GMT your local time, which was
Monday,  January  03,  2000,  05:00:25 [+0700 GMT] my local time, Roel
told to the list, and this is my reply :

T>> Do you know if there's a way to apply the "keep attachments in message
T>> body" setting to all old mail?  I would like to empty my Attach
T>> directory, but I want the files to stay with the message bodies and it
T>> didn't seem to work for old mail.

R> AFAIK, that's not possible... (yet?)

Ah  that's the answer for Szendrő István <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in
other thread.
I  can  move  old  message  with attachment to other profile due I set
"keep attachments in message body" as default here.

Kind Regards,


................Opinions expressed are only mine................
Name    : Syafril Hermansyah                                  
Company : Duta Integrasi Pratama - Indonesia                  
Voice   : (62) (21) 385-1600 / 351-8446                       
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Mailto  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]                          

Created : Monday, January 03, 2000, 05:19:29 (+07:00 GMT)

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