Hello Mark Aston,
On Mon, 10 Jan 2000 23:59:11 +0000 GMT your local time,
which was Tuesday, January 11, 2000, 6:59:11 AM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Mark Aston wrote:

Mark> Hi Steve,

Mark> Monday, January 10, 2000, 11:45:12 PM, you wrote:

SL>> Monday, January 10, 2000, 3:30:32 PM, Mark wrote:
>>>   Gone:-(

SL>>     And this is supposed to mean, what, exactly?

Mark>  Basically  I  got more depressed with every item of that interview, I
Mark>  really  like  The  Bat!  as  it  is and would hate to see it become a
Mark>  bloated  "do  it  all"  type  app,  I  suppose there is the option of
Mark>  staying  with  a  version  1.xx? but that does not really appeal. Any
Mark>  suggestions  for  another  Windows  MUA  that come close to TB, as it
Mark>  is now?

Whats wrong with v1.x which is unbearable??

I think the whole interview was more to evoke reactions then to tell
us what really happens as it seems to me a significant amount of code
hasnt even been written yet...
it wouldnt surprise me if a real beta could be a 3 months away unless
you want to talk about running real buggy stuff.

As long as the emailer part works fine, relatively bug free and in the
way I want, I donot HAVE to use a newsreader or whatever part and 30k
of code is not interfering with my mail...

On the other hand, a lot of people may not want to upgrade to use a
version where the improvments are things they donot want to use.
It would have to be a real good newsreader to get me to switch from
Agent. Besides I already paid for it so why change.
HTML: Its difficult to avoid not having it as an email client, but on
the other hand if it supports external editors, what does it matter.
Can you imagine anyone using notepad or whatever to write an email in
html?? Or Multiedit/Ultraedit or whatever one likes...
I am more interested in not having to receive them in HTML.

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.39 Beta/1 

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