Hi there!

On 11 Jan 00, at 14:05, Steve Lamb wrote
    about "Re: suggestion- / wish-list":

> >>     Which is possible.  I've seen books written in just VI.  OTOH, you'll note
> >> I didn't put word processing into my list because I do know that is a
> >> different task than just editing ASCII text.
> > Unless you use TeX;-) In this latter case, it *is* editing ASCII;-) Time to
> > learn a bit?
>      Nope.  As I said, I've seen books written in just VI.  I didn't say what
> other tools were used.  In that particular case, TeX.  IIRC it was one of the
> O'Reilly books but which one eludes me at the moment.

Donald E. Knuth "The TeX book" pub. by Addison-Wesley, AFAIR. This is the 
starting point;-) The book about TeX written by the author of TeX in TeX;-)

P.S. I *hope* you happen to know _who_ Donald Knuth is? I hope you've 
already read some of his books... Yeah, I really hope;-)

SY, Alex
(St.Petersburg, Russia)
Thought for the day:
  Don't let school interfere with your education.

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