Hi Thomas,

On Sunday, January 23, 2000, 10:14:50 PM, you wrote:

T> Hi Gary,

T> On Sun, 23 Jan 2000 22:04:49 -0600GMT (24/01/2000, 12:04 +0800GMT),
T> Gary wrote:

G>> Will Version 2 have PERL and CGI capabilities?

T> Perl: yes. CGI: Haven't heard about this.

G>> Forms, buttons, web page creation can be very quickly made up this
G>> way.

T> I don't know whether TB should become a web page maker-upper. I'd
T> rather not.

CGI programs are usually written in PERL (which is basically, source
code recompiled every time the program is executed). So, with this in
mind, one can quickly make up scripts which will execute CGI on the
server side cgi-bin file on either NT or Unix.  Therefore, forms and
validation, submit buttons from the email, can be programmed using
PERL in the FORM ACTION to = GET or POST practically anything, like a
complete web page, or additional info from a database on the server
side back to the client's.  Much of what you see on the net, even in
terms of complete web pages, after you click on something is basically
just a return web page which was processed by PERL on the cig-bin
server side, and then sent back to the client using CGI.  PERL
processes it on the server side.  IF TB is capable of utilizing PERL,
theoretically, this could be very powerful stuff here, far more than
what it first appears.  The actual email could call a web page in PERL
from the server, based on client input - all from a form which was
sent by email.  PERL is very powerful and there are very few
limitations as a language.

T> That's email related; web pages aren't.

Best regards,
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