>>  However,  that  won't  stop  the  losing of folders. That's been a
>> 'feature'  of  TB!  for as long as I can remember :( Thankfully you
>> can   spread   your   fingers   a   bit  and  hit  Alt+Ctrl+Shift+L
>> simultaneously  regularly  to  recover  what  TB!  forgets about. A
>> strange, unresolved 'feature' with a fix.

That matter is rather a stop over - just my opinion.
If there is such an issue in my team ; it wouldn't be tolerated.

> I see people write about this from time to time; I have used TB! since
> 2004 and only experienced lost folders three times, twice after 
> updating TB! and once after a major reworking of my folder structure.
> I've also experienced the same folders appearing two or three times in
> the folder tree a couple of times.

You're lucky ; happened to me a couple of times within last two month.

Latest   about  2  minutes  ago  when  I  couldn't  find a full folder
substructure...  After  Ctrl+Shift+Alt+L visible again but Folder View
is lost in all subfolders. After restart still here.

> Isn't it fashionable at the moment to release a new major version 
> number that is no different from the previous one? Witness Firefox 5.

FF 5 is different from v4 - slower :)

Best Regards,

The Bat!
Windows 7 x64 Professional (7601 Service Pack 1)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011 (10:55 ; GMT+8)

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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