On 12 March 2012, 13:13, Marek Mikus wrote:

> well, it is really frustrating to see, how thankful users are, if somebody
> reply them on sunday's night...

> Yes, i am working for reseller, but I have nothing from You or anybody in
> this user2user forum and it is my leisure time I am spending here.

I'm sorry that you feel frustrated. However, while I'm glad of all the
support that I can get when I need it, I don't take too kindly to
vendors putting me down -- and I suspect that there are others who
feel the same way. My post was in no way meant as a personal attack.
Rather, it was meant to be constructive; to help you and others
provide better service. FWIW, I would not have made my post if I
didn't then believe that you were representing Ritlabs or a reseller
in some official capacity.

Perhaps you'd consider modifying your From header and signature block
to make it clear that your posts are personal rather than on behalf of
a Ritlabs reseller? That way, people like me wouldn't make the mistake
of taking your posts to be official Ritlabs response.

>> FWIW, I interpreted Marek's "no" as blunt and a bit of a put-down.

> hey, did You saw my message? Is there only "no" there? I have replied in 4
> paragraphs and I have not found a solution, so I replied "no" in fourth of
> them.

I did see your message in entirety. Except for the last two
paragraphs, it was excellent. That's why I thought that the "no"
wasn't meant the way it came out. Perhaps something along the lines
of, "Because of the way TB! handles headers, what you want is not
possible." might have been better, but a blunt, "no" is at best terse
IMO and possibly rude. Now I'm not getting at you personally, just
explaining that how others interpreted your words might not have been
what you meant.

>> I suspect that Marek didn't actually mean it that way, but even so it's
>> not what I would expect from a customer service representative.

> this is *not* official customer service but user2user forum, I am not
> representative of Ritlabs, they have their ticket system for registered
> users.~~~

Again, perhaps it would help if you made it clear that you are not
representing Ritlabs or its resellers when you post to this forum. I
think my error regarding the status of your post was understandable
considering that you claim to be, "Czech support of The Bat!"
Nonetheless, I apologize if my error has caused you offence.

I hope this better explains things,

Geoff Lane
Cornwall, UK
Using The Bat! v5.0.34 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3

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