Dear Geoff,

@13-Mar-2012, 08:12  Geoff Lane [GL] in said:

>> Hmm... Maybe this is a better example of a put down:
>>   You are arrogant, self-centered and do not have a clue...

>> This is meant to be constructive to help you to treat people with
>> respect.~~~

GL> Although you don't know me, you might well be correct. So I'll thank
GL> you for your comment and receive it with the spirit in which I infer
GL> it was meant.

Actually - I think you may have missed "the spirit" completely. You
have taken it as a personal comment when it was clearly and
explicitly "an example" of "a put down"; informative to you as to
what a *real* put down looks like.

Now. To business.

This list is a user to user peer support list. Sometimes people
connected to RITlabs make comment here, but that is not relevant.
Expert opinion is mostly what you get. Marek is a lively and useful
contributor here; one of the experts whose opinion is valuable and
should therefore be valued. Any opinion given here is given at the
cost of personal free time - no reward is available. English is not
Marek's first language and sometimes the words he may want to use to
"flowery" up his approach may simply not be in his instant
vocabulary. To seek to alienate him for what amounts to a hurried
end of a reply, one in which he'd already been explicit and kind
further up, is a clear personal attack AND WILL NOT BE TOLERATED ON

Back down please - all of you.

This thread is wildly off topic and the next post on it will be
moderated and the topic officially closed.

... <snip>

Cheers --  Marck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
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