Hello MAU,

On Monday, May 28, 2012 you wrote:

M> Hello Jack,

>> C:\Program Files\The Bat!\Images which contains a lot of "smileys" but only 
>> one
>> flag: Flag-Netherlands.jpg. However, if I go deeper and open C:\Program
>> Files\The Bat!\Images\pcwimages, I find more smileys and a whole bunch of
>> flags. Why the smileys should be in two separate folders is a mystery to me.

M> It may be due to extracting some ZIP file(s) in the wrong place in the
M> past. (Selecting, or not, the 'Use folder names' option if using WinZIP
M> to extract).

M> The C:\Program Files\The Bat!\Images folder should *ONLY* contain three 
M> folders and three *.msl files, namely:
M>  Default 
M>  pcwimages
M>  rogues
M>  default.msl
M>  pcwsmileys.msl
M>  rogues.msl

M> If you do not have any of the msl files, look in the corresponding 
M> folder and see if it is there. If so, move¨or copy it to 'Images' folder.

M> If you have all or some of the msl files in 'Images', look inside the
M> corresponding folder and see if there is a newer version there. If so,
M> move or copy the newer version to Images folder.

As mentioned in the previous reply I can see Lynn's flags now thanks to your
help. However, when I add :usflag: to my sig (as it is here) I do not see the
flag, only the :usflag: rougemoticon (if that's what it's supposed to be
called.) Do you suppose it has to be sent and received before it will appear? I
guess I'll find out.

Best Regards, 
Jack LaRosa
:usflag: Central Alabama

Using The Bat! ver:
Running Windows XP Pro ver 5 build 2600 Service Pack 3

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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