A Bat-fellow, MFPA,
wrote in <mid:559391890.20120915140549@my_localhost>
on Saturday, 15th September 2012 at 14:05:49 (GMT +0100), 
which was 15:05 in Bratislava --

>> It started interfering with the original POP3 version of The Bat!
>> on my main PC, though

> How was it interfering?

Depending on which POP3 copy of The Bat! happened to download
a particular message first, it was then skipped by the other POP3 copy
of the Bat. For example, you wrote your message at 15:05. If my
first Bat downloaded that message at 15:06, it would no longer be
downloaded by the other Bat at 15:07. I suppose the first Bat marked
the message on the server as "already downloaded", so the second Bat
ignored it. Of course, I don't want this: I want to have all messages
downloaded in my primary Bat, regardless of whether they have
already been downloaded previously by a secondary Bat.

> Could this be rectified in the account settings while still using POP?

I can't find any such setting in The Bat!. If you find it, please let me know.
Perhaps this cannot be accomplished via POP3.  :-/

> I read somewhere that the "[Gmail]/All Mail" folder is an extra copy
> of all the messages in all other folders

Exactly. So for a Gmail account where I have 150 thousand messages,
the IMAP Bat indicates that there are 300 thousand messages. Everything
is doubled, so you have constant "double vision". Particularly annoying
is that even if you mark a message as "Read" in the main Inbox folder
of an IMAP account, it could pop up again as "Unread" under the
"All Messages" label after you press The Bat's Ctrl+Arrow keyboard shortcut
to move to the "Next Unread Message". And it's not a matter of seconds
to rectify this. You can mark a message as "Read" 5 times, and it might
pop right back again 5 times as "Unread". It can sometimes take a minute
or two until the "Unread" label really sticks (in *all* folders/labels).

So basically I find The Bat unusable right now on that notebook --
the POP3 version of The Bat works excellent as ever, but it interferes
with the primary Bat. Whereas the IMAP version of The Bat is just
an exercise in frustration.

> so not synchronising that folder halves the amount to download.

Yes, but this may be the issue: I can see no setting for The Bat's IMAP
folders where you could set a folder to "not synchronize". The only
IMAP folder options available right now (in version 5.2) are "Skip
during regular checks", "Skip for Download All Mail command"
and "Download only message headers". In my experience, though,
this does not prevent those folders from getting synchronized and
downloading all those dozens of thousands of message headers anyway.
I set all folders to download only message headers, but even so, the
lags and overall slowness are there.

A useful IMAP option for The Bat folders would be a checkbox saying:
"Don't synchronize this folder". On the same folder preferences tab,
there could be another setting similar to the one on the iPad & iPhone:
"Synchronize only the most recent ____ messages"
On the iPad & iPhone, you can choose between 250, 500, or 1000
most recent messages, and even after I enabled 1000 everywhere,
the "Mail" app is very fast, with no lagging to speak of, unlike the
IMAP Bat, where you're struggling with lags constantly. I'm sure
if I could instruct the IMAP Bat to synchronize only the most recent
1000 messages in the Inbox (and perhaps also Sent & Outbox) folders,
then the IMAP Bat would probably be as lightning-fast as the POP3 Bat!

Alex. of Slovakia

[flying with The Bat!
under Windows 7 64-bit 6.1 Build 7601 Service Pack 1
AMD Athlon II X4 645 @ 3.10 GHz & 8 GB RAM]

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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