On Thursday, October 25, 2012, 10:36:46 PM, Jack S. LaRosa wrote:

> If I start a new message and click the chevron (VIEW HISTORY) at the
> far right of the TO field, I am presented with a history of most
> recently used addresses. While the list is displayed I can press the
> down-arrow key (not the mouse cursor) which causes the top address
> in the list to become highlighted. Once the top address is
> highlighted I can continue to use the down-arrow key to travel down
> in the list, the next address being highlighted with each down-arrow
> keypress. Any address highlighted in this manner can then either be
> deleted by pressing the DEL key or PARKed by pressing the space bar.

I partially confirm both your suggestion and Robin Anson's
observation. Following your first post I tried typing in the To: line,
arrowed to the entry I didn't want, and pressed Del. As I said,
nothing happened, or at least, appeared to happen; the address stayed
put. I've just tried your doctrine set out above and clicked the
chevron. Lo, the offending address is *not* in the "chevron drop-down
list," only the one I wanted, presumably because it was in fact
deleted. But, if I create another new message and start typing in the
To: field, the unwanted address is still there.

I don't know if that rates as a bug, but it's a misbehaviour likely to
cause errors.  I'd like to see it made consistent.

 Robert Bull             mailto:theb...@theluminousvoid.plus.com

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