On Tue, 15 Aug 2000 18:48:56 -0500, Chuck Mattsen wrote:

CM> Indeed, and I have done this, but I found myself wanting quicker
CM> access to the info contained in the memo ... that's why I found your
CM> suggestion of having it automatically pop-up as an on-top window so
CM> appealing. When I see that something has a memo, I resent that extra
CM> step of having to dig for it.

Yeah, especially when it doesn't work with the folder view window. The
folder view windows tend to be neglected. Features seem to be tested
with the preview pane only. If I turn off the message autoview, viewing
and creating memos is broken. I cannot view memos from the folder view
window in that hitting <CTRL><SHIFT><I> annoyingly brings the main TB!
window in focus with a broken, open, memo window that will not show
anything or create any memos. :-(

Also, since it's implementation, colour groups have not work
properly with folder view windows. When new messages are added to the
folder, the coloured messages change to the default colours. I have to
close and reopen the folder to get the colour coding back to what it
should be. For the ticker virtual folder, there's no colour coding at

CM> I'm trying to remember ... I think Pegasus had a similar thing to
CM> the memo, calling it an "annotation" ... there, though, it was
CM> signified by a "dot" next to the message and if I remember correctly
CM> the annotation would pop up as a separate memo window with a key
CM> combination ... closer to what I'd like, but not quite.

<SHIFT><CTRL><I> for TB!? It acts as a toggle switch for the memo

-=A. Curtis Martin=-    Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA
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