On Friday, November 03, 2000, 5:36:24 AM, Ming-Li wrote:

ML> 1. Go to the folder, and check deleted messages (from the menu
ML> "Folder | Browse deleted messages"). If they're there, they were
ML> accidentally deleted. You may move all or some of them back by
ML> using drag-n-drop.

I tried this, but only the 'new' messages appear to be in the folder.

ML> 2. Do a global search for a message that you're sure to be in that
ML> folder, and see if it turns up elsewhere. They might have been moved
ML> accidentally.

Tried that, but did not find any errant messages.

ML> The re-indexing trick as Januk suggested is quick and effective, but
ML> please be reminded it has a couple of side effects:

I appreciate that there might be some things that will happen, but at
this point, I'd just like to get the messages back.

Thanks much,


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