On Thursday, November 02, 2000, 9:57:35 PM, Ming-Li wrote:

ML> So the folder isn't missing, but messages in it are, right?


ML> My first instinct is that you unintentionally "set up" a display
ML> filter. Do you know that you may click on any field of a message
ML> in the message list pane while holding down the Alt key, and
ML> create an instant display filter?

ML> E.g., in your TBUDL folder (if you have one), find a message by
ML> yourself, and click on your own name while holding down the Alt key,
ML> then TB would show only messages from you. This is one of my
ML> favorite feature about TB.

ML> To undo it, just hit ESC or "Ctrl =".

Hey - that's nice! Just tried it. But that does not seem to be the
problem in that folder. Even tried a restart of TB, and it still has
only a few msgs. I can see much more looking at the file directly with
an editor. They're there, just not showing up in TB.

Thanks for the help,


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