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On Sat, 9 Dec 2000 08:38:58 -0500, Jan Rifkinson graced us with
these comments:

Allie>> [...] I used it do the same thing until I started using address
Allie>> book templates. I can then pool a lot of messages in the Inbox
Allie>> and still use various reply templates, even though I'm working
Allie>> from a single folder.

JR> Why have u found this system to be more efficient for you? Why, for
JR> example, should I want my PGP digest or my TB! posts in my inbox
JR> along with my personal/biz mail?

I do the same as you do here. Discussion list mail is filtered to it's
respective folder.

Personal and business mail are pooled in my Inbox. What I'm saying is
that I used to filter personal and business mail to separate folders so
that I could use different folder templates with them. Now that I use
address book templates, I no longer need to do this and I therefore
avoid working from many folders.

JR> The latter I answer first; the other stuff I read in my free time.
JR> By separating the incoming mail out, I am left with only
JR> personal/biz mail in my inbox which, by definition, requires my
JR> attention first.


JR> I have to train myself to work off the address book for new msgs
JR> because otherwise I get the wrong template if my cursor is on a
JR> particular folder. As for answering, I find address book templates
JR> are more useful when dealing with individuals who are not part of a
JR> group.

JR> I don't know if this really makes sense but, as a relatively new TB!
JR> devotee, its where I am now.

Makes perfect sense to me. :=)

- --
 |     A. Curtis Martin  [List Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA]      |
 | PGPKey: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey |
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