Hello Nick & others on TBUDL following this thread,

Sunday, December 31, 2000,  you stated regarding what I said Marck meant:

DH>> I think Marck means that keeping with the message separately is a
DH>> legally demonstrable proof of what was sent (i.e a contract, for
DH>> instance).

NA> Yes, I understand the logic now, thanks to you and Marck. I just wish TB!
NA> wouldn't be so ambiguous in their use of language.

How's your Moldavian, Nick?

NA> I now have the option "Bind attachments..." checked, but I don't
NA> believe anyone could have ventured a logical guess as to what
NA> those words actually meant, if looked at in a literal sense.

TBUDL and silverstone are TB!s help file.

NA> Arghh! I'm probably not making any sense myself. :o(

Sure you are.


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