On Saturday, April 21, 2001, at 10:33:23 PM, Nick Andriash thoughtfully wrote:

NA> Michael, the reply template I gave you will work just fine. I do note
NA> however that you have two blank lines at the beginning. When you look
NA> at the reply template, make sure there is no white space at the top.

There was white space now corrected.


NA> The above line should be the very *first* line in the template,
NA> and doing
NA> that will eliminate any blank lines.


NA> Don't forget that the above macro combination will only wrap
NA> the first
NA> paragraph. For all other quote paragraphs, you will have to
NA> highlight and
NA> use Utilities/Format Block/Left to wrap them properly.

Ouch.  Highlight / F4 wraps the first but with sequential paragraphs I
should be highlighting / (and what?, Format Block / Left) each time?

NA> If you want a signature, then my suggestion would be to define
NA> one, then
NA> save it as a text file on your HDD. Then, add this line to your
NA> template:

NA> %PUT="C:\My Documents\My Signature.txt"

NA> if that is what you'd name it, and where you would put it. It
NA> doesn't
NA> matter where it is, as long as you define that in the macro.
NA> Then follow
NA> up with:


NA> as the last line in your reply template.

I'll try it shortly. "Shortly" is looking like tomorrow. Again, everyone's
help is much appreciated.

I am fuzzy on one thing. Shouldn't a reply template with a signature line
be issued in idiot-proof form for folks like me? I realize e-mail can be a
serious tool but ease of use for the entry lever user could pad the TB

<musn't grumble> <g>

How many coronaries if I try Utilities/Format block/Alt+R ?

- -
Best regards,
./michael                            mailto:@dtsnia.net

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