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On April 21, 2001, at 9:18:25 PM, azrael wrote:

> There was white space now corrected.

Not quite... You still have one empty line before the "On April 21...."
Re-check your template: There should be *no* empty line at the top of the
template, and if you take a close look at your template, I am sure you
will find one there. Put your cursor at the beginning of the first line,
and keep hitting the backspace button until you are sure there are no
spaces left.

> Ouch.  Highlight / F4 wraps the first but with sequential paragraphs I
> should be highlighting / (and what?, Format Block / Left) each time?

Yes, and it will result in nicely formatted replies. :o)  Take a look at
your message I'm replying to, and note the nicely wrapped first paragraph.
Now take a look at the remaining paragraphs and how broken the sentences
are. They are that way because you didn't highlight and reformat the
blocks as I indicated. It really doesn't take much time... and we really
should be taking more time on our replies not only to make sure they are
wrapped properly, but also to make sure we are not over quoting.

> I'll try it shortly. "Shortly" is looking like tomorrow. Again, everyone's
> help is much appreciated.

Our pleasure.

> I am fuzzy on one thing. Shouldn't a reply template with a signature line
> be issued in idiot-proof form for folks like me? I realize e-mail can be a
> serious tool but ease of use for the entry lever user could pad the TB
> accounts.

I agree. However, you now have a basic yet well formatted reply template
that will serve you well until such time you feel more comfortable with
macros, and can design a template of your own.

> How many coronaries if I try Utilities/Format block/Alt+R ?

Alt+R is the keyboard equivalent of using your mouse to access the Message
Editor Toolbar at Utilities/Format Block/Right, so why would you want to
confuse/combine the two? Format you text blocks *left* using one method or
the other... but not both at the same time. ;o)


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