On Saturday, April 21, 2001, at 11:22:58 AM, Ottar Grimstad thoughtfully wrote:

OG>  Address book templates are evaluated first. Do you have an entry for
OG> TBUDL in your address book? Check if you have activated a separate
OG> template for it. (Right click, properties, Reply, check if use
OG> separate template box is ticked).

   Yes Ottar, "Use a specific template for replies" is checked and I'm
   using the Reply Format Nick gave me.

OG>   If the addressee is member of a Address Book
OG> Group, and this group
OG>   have its own templates the same way, then these
OG> templates are used.

OG>  .

OG>   Only if none of these templates have been made, is
OG> the generic reply
OG>   template for the account used.
> You can have separate templates for each folder.
OG> If you have no
OG>   Address Book templates, then these are used. You
OG> have made a TBUDL
OG>   folder. Check if you have made a separate reply
OG> template here. If
OG>   so, this is used

   I've created a TBUDL folder but not a reply template specifically of
   the folder. Might that have been done automatically?


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