On  29  April  2001  at  17:32:58GMT  +0100 (17:27 for me) Michael S.
 Greenbaum wrote in "Worm: What Do I Do?":

MSG> On Sunday, April 29, 2001, Marck D. Pearlstone wrote:

>> You  should probably try the AVG virus scanner from www.grisoft.cz.
>> I find it very reliable. The authors are themselves TB users.

MSG> Do   they   have   a  page  in  English?  My  Russian  is  a  bit
MSG> rusty--actually completely corroded would be more like it.


     I  use it and it is good, lower hardware/memory overhead than the
     big  boys.  However,  they  don't  have daily updates. They claim
     their heuristic analysis is good, I suppose to counter this.


>From the moment I picked up your book until the moment I laid it down,
I was convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading it. - Groucho

Ian Andolina

Tel: 0207 608 6841 


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