Hello Rémi,

Historians believe that Wednesday, December 12, 2001 at 22:01 GMT
+0200 was when, Rémi Pach [RP] typed the following:

RP> I am also happy overall with TB as it is. Don't get me wrong.

Your posts suggest that you are very discontented.  Perhaps it is
because your posts haven't mentioned any *good* things about TB or
it's development.  They seem to be biased towards the negative.

RP> I don't need anything radically different.

Then why the fuss?

RP> It's just that after all the hype about v2, and all the promises
RP> that were made, it looks like we are going to end up with a 1.54
RP> version pompously called 2.0 but that will have *very* few of the
RP> major innovations promised for v2.

How did you come to that conclusion?

1. You've stated that you haven't tried the beta series.  As Marck
   said, many things have been completely rewritten.  Add up all the
   changes that have occurred since the interview and the current beta
   and you'd see that we have seen a *lot* of what was promised.
   Sure, you can pick your pet example of what has *not* been done
   yet, but why don't you look at what has been done instead?  It
   helps keep the stress meter down.  ;-)

2. I have not heard RITLabs make any comment that 1.54 will be
   released as V.2.  I have also not heard them say that 1.54 is even
   close to being ready for release.  Everything I've heard in that
   regard is speculation or extrapolation of comments made by RITLabs.

3. Don't forget, a lot of that hype was not generated by RITLabs.
   Most of it was from "enthusiastic" users. :-)

RP> There is a sense of anticlimax.

I hate to ruin the party, but, it's only software.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Trigonometry for farmers: swine and cowswine.
-- Erland G.

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