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Hello Marc!

On 7  Dec 2001 at 20:40:12 you wrote:

> BUT: I want a email client that will last for a long long time. I don't
> want to start using a email client again that will be discontinued at
> some time. Can I rely on RitLabs that they introduce The Bat version 2
> in the very near future?

TB! like Opera has been around quite a while now, is definitely
developing and is not just technologically but also marketingwise
promising. In short: It seems to get off the ground just now.

That does mean that RITLabs may actually live from their sales, which
would mean TB! will be around quite a while.

All this is pure conjecture, nobody can be sure how long a software
product - or any other - will be around. Agent has been called dead
for years and it is still alive and kicking (there's even a beta for
version 1.9).

> MCS, the former developer of Calypso, also promised to introduce new
> versions and then suddenly pulled the plug out; because: "You can't beat
> Outlook". Why wouldn't this happen with The Bat? Why not?.

THe question for me is, does a product fit my needs? At the current
stage I won't abandon either Opera or TB! or Agent just because it is
discontinued (neither is). All have there shortcomings but all do what
I want for a broad spectrum. I'd look for replacements when something
comes up which is not supported. In TB!'s case it would be, for
instance, IMAP. Should I need it and TB! can't offer, I'd have to

> Can anybody explain me why RitLabs introduces new features (like common
> folders) in an 'old' version (version 1.xx) when they are very (I hope) busy
> with finishing (I hope) version 2.....? If I were them I put all my
> effort in completing version 2 and, besides solving the serious bugs,
> quit developing version 1. Why not? Tell me, why not?

They work like it should be, while developing the new version they put
in suitable features for testing purposes into the current series. One
of the great advantages of small companies and shareware is the
continuos developing cycle. Not like MS or Corel, were users get a few
big bug fixes/patches and once in a year they have to depart from a
big amount of cash to get the one new feature they need.

The problem of how to handle version 1 has been discussed a few times.
How about this argument: Why should I buy v.2 when v.1 is enough for
me? Just for the bug fixes, which won't be done any longer in v.1,
because it is discontinued in favour of v.2? This, BTW, was a very big
issue in Opera newsgroups.

Seriously, does TB! currently fit your needs? Are there any
outstanding features essential for you? If you answer "yes" for the
second question you should be worried about continuation. Ask about
the feature and we may be able to help you get off your worries.

A personal comment: I am of the impression RITLabs does a great job
not just in programming but also in continuity, marketing, service and
customer relation. I trust they will be around for some years with
their main product. But I do say the same for Amazon.com ...

Hope that helped a bit.

- --
Dierk Haasis

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