Hi Thomas!

on Monday, October 7, 2002, 8:07:51 AM, you wrote:

TF> On Mon, 7 Oct 2002 07:37:30 -0500 GMT (07/10/02, 19:37 +0700 GMT),
TF> Scott McNay wrote:

TF>>> If that were all they do, I'd uninstall my anti-virus programm
TF>>> right away.

SM>> If that were "all" it did, I still would not want to be
SM>> responsible for someone else's machine getting infected by mine.
SM>> Sorry to hear that you don't care. I'll set up a filter to refuse
SM>> mail from you.

TF> Do that. I just said that viruses do more than just send themselves
TF> out. I said they delete files, and that's what make them dangerous to
TF> the average user.

TF> Viruses *delete and alter files*. That is their main threat. Didn't
TF> you know that?

There  *are*  a  small  handful  of  viruses  that simply spread, with
minimal  other  impact.  Ironically,  this handful isn't prolific, and
therefore not well-known.

And  for  the  benefit  of others, I've been online for about a decade
now, near the beginnings of Fidonet ("Fight-O-Net"), and also near the
time  that  viruses,  etc., first started appearing. One of the things
that  I deal with at work is virus stomping, and idiot users who can't
be bothered to make sure that their virus protection updated (some are
on  modems)  or who disable the virus protection outright. Among other
things,  I've disassembled one virus ("butterfly"; this was before the
standard  naming  convention came along), and had to deal with a virus
outbreak  which  the  AV  software didn't recognize until a week and a
half later.


Using  The  Bat! 1.61 under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 on an AMD Athlon
XP 1900 (1.6G real, 1.9G effective) with 512MB.

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