Hello Daniel,

On Tue, 19 Nov 2002, at 22:52:11 [GMT +0100] (which was 4:52:11
PM in NY, USA) Daniel Dekany wrote:

> I don't understand why people who uses on-access scanner (and you do,
> if I don't misunderstand you) want integrate Virus protection with
> TB!, but perhaps I miss something.

I can't answer for Chris but perhaps he and I share some of
these reasons...

1. Just because an anti-virus application has on-access
capability does not necessarily mean that they use it as such;
one may be able to configure it for on demand only scanning such
as I do with Panda. IMO, on access scanning is a huge waste of
resources and stability.

2.  Many A/V applications disallow (or are administered to
disallow) any user intervention when dealing with suspicious
files.  The majority of the A/V's in this class that I have seen
just clean or delete the suspect file without much warning.  I'm
not comfortable with this.  I like to verify that the file is
indeed infected before any action is taken.

3.  Given the above, I used TB's AVG plug-in as a lazy filter
during the heavy Klez attachment days.

4.  A second opinion is a good thing.

> And if you don't open attachments, then your machine can't caught
> viruses with TB! Reading mails is safe. (E-mail agents using MS HTML
> rendering engine is a different story... with those agents, reading an
> email can active virus, since the MS HTML stuff is too powerful and
> may contains bugs that virus can exploit. I remember the iframe
> thing...)

I think most TB users are of a caliber to whom the safe "never
open attachments" rule is a bit extreme.  I agree with you in
your feeling of security with TB.  However, it is only a matter
of time until someone again targets TB users just to say they
could do so.  I'd like to be prepared with a little extra backup
when that day comes.

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.62/Beta1
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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