Hello Miguel,

Friday, February 21, 2003, 7:57:08 PM, you wrote:

MAU> Hello Clive,

>> I disagree. After one month's training Popfile is running at 99.5%
>> accuracy. I'm left with maybe one spam message every two days that's
>> not filtered into my spam folder. Impressive,

MAU> Fully agree with you about POPFile. I get an average of 30 spam
MAU> messages per day and the last time I saw a false positive was a couple
MAU> of weeks ago. As you say, impresive!

AAMOF, I'm rather happy with using a simple, though "growing" filter.

I tried to install Spampal, but that did not work, all downloading of
messages failed.

Perhaps I must be glad, judging on the number of messages Frank's
Spampal seems to have sent...

I'm willing to give POPFile a try, however. What is the URL?

Best Whishes,
using The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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