On Saturday, July 19, 2003, 1:29:30 PM, you wrote:
MS> The Bat handles the .eml files with no problem... the attachments are intact and 
MS> displayed in the attachment bar, and can be opened with no troubles.  But with the 
MS> files, the attachments are not shown in the side-bar, and instead become huge 
masses of
MS> gibberish code.  Plus, the header with the "from," "to," etc, is mysteriously 
gone.  I
MS> also tried opening another .msg file which did NOT contain any attachments, and it 
too was
MS> "distorted" with a bunch of coding gibberish, and barely readable.

MS> Any ideas as to how I could correct this problem with .msg files?

MS> Thanks,
MS> mike


I'm new to TB myself so please don't take what I suggest as Gospel:
Have you tried importing the *.msg files?

>From your description it sounds like you're trying to open them
directly in TB.  If I misunderstood, then ignore this.  If I'm right,
a low-risk test would be to try to import them into a new folder in TB
and see the effect.

Just a thought.

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