--> Saturday, November 22, 2003, 10:48:12 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Saturday, November 22, 2003 @ 5:20:23 AM [-0700], Carsten Thönges wrote:

>> Both X-Mailer and User-Agent are used to identify the software
>> responsible for sending (at least The Bat! looks at both
>> headers). So why not suppress the standard X-Mailer, define a
>> User-Agent header and fill it with whatever you like?

> Wouldn't this make TB an attractive tool to spammers? I don't mind the
> suppression part, but the ability to make it look like it came from
> any other mail client would be troublesome.

Umm, spammers don't want to use The Bat!, they have plenty of tools for
sending spam, and most definitely have been modifying headers for longer
than The Bat has existed.

I use "X-Ray" -and- I am a registered user with a business license.

If I had a year to spare, I'd write my own e-mail client. However,
since I don't, I too would like to see these types of features.


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