Stefan Tanurkov wrote:

M> If I uncheck a box I would expect the corresponding folder to be set to
M> (no view mode). Why not?

"No view mode" means using some column settings anyway. Which one
should be used?  Is it account-wide, folder-specific or parent

If you uncheck that box, then the folder should revert to 'Folder specific settings' since it would not have been assigned a view mode.

The folder's default should be 'the folder specific settings', IOW's, no view mode has been assigned.

Another alternative would be the generic view mode which would act sort of as a default mode that the user would like a folder to have unless he specifically makes the folder use its own specific settings or a particular view mode.

I do agree with the others though, that if I hit the 'Used by', I should see the list with those folders already using the particular view mode already selected.

      -=allie_M=- | List Moderator

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